
CMM跟過程改進的经常使用朮語解釋 - 中英對炤

聯係式:高巍(網名DrCMM), w-gao@.net, 。

Watts Humphrey 在其著述《Managing Software Process》的卷尾援用了上面兩條諺語:
"If you don't know where you're going, any road will do."
"If you don't know where you are, a map won't help."




The Process Management Principle: The quality of a product is largely governed by the quality of the process used to build it. The quality of a software product is largely governed by the quality of the software process used to develop and maintain it.
The Crisis Principle: A mature organization does not abandon its process in a crisis.
The Process Improvement Principle: Any process can be improved; continuous improvement is necessary to remain petitive.
The Software Process Improvement Principle: The process to develop and maintain software can be defined, managed, measured, and continuously improved.
petence: The petence of the people who do the work is crucial to project performance and organizational success.
mpowerment: A mature process empowers people to work effectively and efficiently.
Technology: The power of the tools used to do the work has a critical impact on the efficiency of the process, with a corresponding impact on petitive advantage.
The Process Un-Supremacy Corollary: A mature process cannot overe inpetent people or inadequate tools.
The Good Management Corollary: A mature process cannot overe unsound management.
The Scar-Tissue Proverb: Maturity is a function of scar tissue. - Mark Paulk
“傷疤”諺語:(字典的解釋為,Scar Tissue是一種組成傷疤的結締組織,在新疤中次要是縴維原,在老疤中主如果膠原體)成熟度的感化恰如“傷疤”,提示企業不能好了傷口记了疤,要記住來自掉敗的經驗教訓。(僅為筆者的個人理解,若有不對敬請斧。)
Predictability: In custom software development, predictability of cost and schedule is important to the customer.
Time to Market: In mercial software development, time to market is the major factor in market share.
Trade-offs: Pick any two goals from better, faster, cheaper.
The Zero-th Law of Software: If the software does not have to work, you can always meet any other requirement. - Gerald Weinberg
The Quality Decision: Whose opinion of quality is to count when making decisions? - Gerald Weinberg
Investment: Process improvement requires investment.
Market Realities: A mature process will not generate a market; a bad process will not destroy a lucrative market.
Customer Satisfaction: The reason for doing process improvement is to satisfy (delight) customers so they will continue to buy your products and services and urge others to do so.
petitive Advantage: A mature process contributes to efficiency. In a petitive market, the organization that can produce its products and services most efficiently (and delight its customers) will thrive.


Software Focus: The CMM focuses on the practices that are under the control of the software function.
A Road Map: The maturity levels and key process areas provide a road map to prioritize process improvement.
The "What-Not-How" Principle: The CMM does not mandate how the software process should be implemented; it describes what istics the software process should have.
Capability vs. Performance: The CMM focuses on building the process capability of an organization; the process performance of individual projects is correlated but not identical.
Organizational Improvement: The CMM is a model for organizational improvement. It is not tuned to improving individual projects or helping a project that is in trouble.
Infrastructure: Without organizational (senior management) support, long-term process improvement is unlikely.
The "Key" Principle: The CMM describes key process areas and key practices. The CMM is not exhaustive.
prehensiveness: The CMM does not address all the important factors that impact success. xcluded topics include capable people, systems engineering, and powerful tools.
A Public Model: The CMM is based on the contributions of the software engineering munity; the SI is a steward who coordinates and leads its development and maintenance.
Technology: No specific tools, methods, or technologies are mandated by the CMM.
Process volution: Key process areas are not processes. Processes evolve, even when that evolution is not explicitly described in the CMM. A key process area describes a process at a particular maturity level.
Orthogonality: The key process areas in the CMM are interrelated. Processes (and key process areas) depend on one another.
Level Quality: High-quality products can be, and have been, developed by Level organizations.
The Repeatable Level Principle: For an organization to mature beyond chaos, it must install basic management controls that instill self-discipline.
The Defined Level Principle: For an organization to mature beyond the level of self-discipline, it must use well-defined processes as a foundation for improvement.
The Managed Level Principle: For an organization to mature beyond the level of defined processes, it must base decisions on quantitative measures of its processes and products so that objectivity can be attained.
The Optimizing Level Principle: Ultimately, an organization must recognize that continual improvement (and continual change) are necessary to survive.


The Documented Process: Documented processes are the basis for consistent performance and improvement. (Say what you do; do what you say.)
Usefulness: A process description should be detailed enough to be useful, not so detailed that it is unusable.
A Satisfactory Process: A process can be considered satisfactory when it is practiced, verified and validated, trained, measured, controlled, enforced, and is a basis for improvement.
A Well-Defined Process: A well-defined process has documentation that details what is done, when it is done, who does it, and the things used and produced.
The ITVOX Corollary: A well-defined process has entry criteria, known inputs, a process description of how to perform the task, known outputs, a verification mechanism, and exit criteria.
Institutionalization: Institutionalized processes are consistently performed across an organization (subject to appropriate tailoring).
Measurement Insight: The purpose of measurement is insight.
Basic Statistics: Blue-collar workers on an assembly line successfully use statistical process control techniques; powerful statistical techniques do not have to be cryptic and arcane.
Process vs. petence: Mature processes enable people to work more effectively.
Formality vs. Goodness: A poor process formally described is still a poor process. - Dewayne Perry


Box's Rule: All models are wrong; some models are useful. - George Box
The Rocket Scientist Principle: You do not have to be a rocket scientist to understand the CMM. If something in the CMM is confusing, it is more likely because we explained the concept poorly than that the concept is extremely sophisticated.
The One Right Way: There is no "one right way" to implement a software process.
A Normative Description: The CMM practices describe istics of a software process that we would normally expect to see at different levels of process capability.
Stone Tablets: The CMM is not engraved on stone tablets.
The "Apply Intelligence" Principle: The CMM should be interpreted in the context of the business needs of the organization. Do not do something foolish just to conform to the CMM.
Measured Improvement: If you do not measure the effect of process improvement on time to market, productivity, quality, and customer satisfaction, how do you know that it works and that it should continue?
Large, Software-Intensive, Contract Bias: The detailed practices (subpractices) in the CMM are expressed in terms of large-scale organizations that do contract work.
Systems Bias: The practices in the CMM are expressed in terms of developing software as part of a system that includes significant nonsoftware ponents.
Tailoring: The CMM should be tailored (or interpreted) to fit the needs of the organization (or sponsor).
Professional Judgment: Professional judgment must be applied to interpret the CMM practices for a particular organization.
The SC Corollary: Judgment is not license. Judgments can be defended to a skeptical (neutral) second party.
The valuation Principle: The true process is revealed by what the project does, not by what it claims to do.
Process Goodness: ffective and efficient software processes are critical to successful process improvement, but goodness can only be determined in the context of the business needs of the particular organization.
Scoring and Goodness: Maturity level and key process area scores are based on whether a documented process is in place and being used. "Goodness" of the process is important, but is not a CMM scoring issue.
Process ffectiveness: It is appropriate for assessments to identify findings and make remendations on ineffective or inefficient processes even when the process is in place and being used.
Non-CMM Findings: It is appropriate for assessments to identify problems even when they do not map to the CMM, e.g., nonprocess issues.
The Disfort Factor: An organization will only change if there is a sufficient level of disfort (pain) with the status quo.
Simple, Not asy: Process improvement may be simple, but it is not easy. - Watts Humphrey
Generic Model: The CMM is a generic model for broad usage. In a specific context, your specific improvement needs may vary.
CMM as a Tool: When improving the software process, use the CMM as a tool to help achieve business objectives of the organization. When selecting software suppliers, use the CMM as a tool to help understand the risks associated with an offeror.

