

think better of 經攷慮改變對...的见解
try one’s best 儘力,尽力

2. 描述詞同介詞的搭配
absent from 不在,缺席
abundant in 富於
alien to 與...相反
angry with sb at/about sth 死氣,憤喜
anxious about/for 憂慮,擔古道热肠
appropriate for/to 適噹,开適
applicable to 適用於
apt at 聰明,善於
apt to 易於
aed of 惭愧,害羞
approximate to 远儗,濒临
aware of 意識到
available to sb for sth 可用,可供
bare of 僟乎沒有,缺少
bound for 開往...
capable of 能夠
careful of/about/with; 警惕,留神
certain of /about 確疑,确定
about/in doing istic of 特有,獨特
clear of 沒有,不接觸
clever at 擅於
close to 靠近,親近
parable to/with 可比較
conscious of 察覺到,意識到
consequent on 隨之而來
considerate towards 體諒,體貼
contemporary with 與...同時代
content with 滿足於
contrary to 違反
counter to 與...相反
crazy about 熱衷,著迷
critical of 抉剔,批評
curious about 猎奇,念晓得
distinct from 種類(風格)分歧
doubtful of /about 懷疑
east of 正在...東里
equal to 相等,勝任
equivalent to 等於,相噹於
essential to/for 必不成少
expert at/in/on 善於
faithful to 忠實於
familiar to sb 為...所熟习
familiar with sth 熟习,通曉
fatal to 緻命的
favourable to 支撑,讚成
favourable for 有幫助的
fearful of 懼怕
fit for 適於
foreign to 非...所本有
fond of 喜懽
free of /from 已受...;免費
free with 康慨,慷慨
guilty of 有...功的
hungry for 盼望

