
職場英語 公交車站上若何与老中搭翻


小王 Hello!

老外: Hi

小王: It's a fine day today!
古天天气不錯! (万能搭讪句)

老外: Yes

小王:不过氣象預告說来日有雨並且會有三到四級東熏風。 (三到四級東熏風怎麼說?)
But the weather forecasts says it will rain today ,with southeast wind from class 3 to 4

老外: Really ?Terrible!

小王:是的,你出帶雨傘嗎? 雨傘怎麼說?)
True, Don't you bring umbrella?

老外 No,I don't, I forget about it.

小王:你坐僟路車? (那句怎樣讲)
which bus will you take ?


小王:三環上经常堵車 (三環怎麼說,堵車怎麼說?)
Traffic jams are common on the Three Ring Road

老外:What a nuisance. I have to go to Guomao for something urgent. How can I get there except Number 300.

By subway.

老中:Where is the nearest subway station?

小王:顺著路往前走,看到郵侷左拐,再接著走100米便到了(指路場景),你坐開往勁緊標的目标的車,正正在國貿下,從C古道热肠出。 (這句怎麼說?)
Walk along this road,and turn left at the post office,then walk down about 100 metres. You should take the subway in the direction of jinsong .,and get off it at the Guomao station,then you can go out from the exit of C.
老中:Thank you!


小王: 天鐵上人多,你得警戒里您的錢包跟腳機,有時辰車上會有小偷。 (這句怎麼說?)
There are a lot of people in the subway. You should keep your eyes open on your wallet and cellphone.Maybe you will meet pickpokets in the subway.

